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2016年,首届网络社会年会”网络化的力量“由于中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院网络社会研究所举办。本次会议包含四场专题研讨会和一场青年学者论坛,会议发布了第二届中国文艺黑客松”百姓松”的实践成果和法国哲学家贝尔纳.斯蒂格勒(Bernard Stiegler)的新书《人类纪里的艺术 : 斯蒂格勒中国美院讲座》(2016)。本届年会参会嘉宾包括荷兰网络文化中心(the Institute of Network Cultures)的创始主任基尔特.洛文克(Geert Lovink),布朗大学现代文化与媒体专业的教授全喜卿(Wendy Chun),东京大学教授石田英敬(Hidetaka Ishida),吕讷堡数字文化研究所(Leuphana Universitiy DCRL)高级研究员马丁娜·利克尔(Martina Leeker),东京大学博士东浩纪(Hiroki Azuma),伦敦大学金匠学院文化研究和文化研究中心主任马修.富勒(Matthew Fuller)等。自此,网络社会年会由网络社会研究所以每年一届的频率于杭州和上海举办,至今已有六年。

其中,第二届网络社会年”与列斐伏尔前行:算法时代的都市论与日常生活批判“(2017)由同济大学教授陆兴华、中国美术学院教授黄孙权和法国学者海阿朗(Allan Bahroun)主持。大会邀请英国、加拿大、意大利、法国、澳大利亚、日本以及中国两岸三地的学者齐聚一堂,透过今天的都市和算法剧变重新发掘了现代思想家:昂利·列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)的工作。与会嘉宾包括曼切斯大学建筑研究中心高级讲师,列斐伏尔首本建筑著作《走向享乐的建筑》编者卢卡斯·斯坦尼克(Lukasz Stanek);卡利亚里大学所主持的意大利国家研究项目”智能城市治理”的研究员希姆娜·德·西莫尼(Simona de Simoni),和南京大学哲学系教授刘怀玉。

第三届网络社会年会”智慧都市网络(IUF)“(2018)由于中国美术学院网络社会研究所、文化创新和视觉传播中心及视觉中国协同创新中心协办。大会邀请来自中国内地、澳大利亚、日本、德国、荷兰、台湾等地区致力于社群参与的研究与实践者重新翻译了”都市网络”(Urban Fabric)一词,试图重新理解智能城市于地方政府、市民团体与全球技术-经济新垄断范式间的合作与冲突,期能将黑客精神的分布式、去中心化的生产技术、以及由下而上的公众参与放在城市治理的政治对话的框架中。本次大会与会嘉宾包括阿里巴巴集团技术委员会主席,阿里云创始人王坚,阿姆斯特丹(Waag)的研究总监克里斯·朱利安(Chris Julien),以及荷兰非盈利自由软件铸造组织”Dyne.org”的核心成员们。

第四届网络社会年会”网民21:超越个人账户“(2019)从”21″这个既指”中国网民的21年”,又指”21世纪全球网络使用者”的代表性数字出发,试图从上世纪一个并未认真思考的用语”网民”开始,历史化与社会化当代的符号资本主义,特别是媒体的作用。本次会议邀请来自全球八个国家地区的学者专家与会讨论,其中包括意大利媒体理论家弗兰克·比弗·布拉迪(Franco “Bifo” Berardi),荷兰阿尔特兹艺术学院副研究院主席尼尚特·沙(Nishant Shah)和美国关于民主在线平台的先驱性会议”平台合作主义大会”联合组织者內森·施奈德(Nathan Schneider)。

全球疫情爆发后诞生的第五届网络社会年会”实践智慧之网“(2020)和第六届网络社会年会”时刻互惠:合作生活的瞬间“(2021)在与会者不能面对面交谈的情形下从理论研讨转向对互联网领域技术实践者的特别关照。”实践智慧之网”探讨技术实践所面临的社会困境,除4场学术讨论会外,大会还邀请有志于构建去中心化网络的全球技术实践者组织设网状网络工作坊。”时刻互惠:合作生活的瞬间”则从网络社会研究所过去一年来在区块链、元宇宙和社区货币领域的实验项目出发,组织了3场学术讨论,一场线下线上电音声境派对,一场区块链交易市集,和一场元宇宙上历史城镇的保存与展览。第五届和第六届网络社会年会与会者包括以太坊创始人维塔利克·布特林(Vitalik Buteri),微软政治经济与社会技术部门首席执行官格伦·韦尔(Glen Weyl),美国电子前沿基金会(EFF)策略长丹尼·奥布莱恩(Danny O’Brien)和德国加密无政府主义行动者弗兰克·博朗 (Frank Braun)乔纳森·洛根 (aka Smuggler);美国缅因大学数字策展研究组负责人乔恩.伊波利托(Jon Ippolito)教授,复旦大学新闻学院教授潘霁,和新加坡国立大学教授邱林川。

六年来,网络社会年会联结了全球四大洲11个国家地区41所知名高校和研究组织(包括英国曼彻斯特大学、荷兰网络文化中心(the Institute of Network Cultures)、荷兰的网络研究基金会 Waag、中国阿里巴巴集团、德国吕德堡大学、日本东京大学和早稻田大学、美国微软公司等)内的46位专家学者和行动者,建立了针对网络社会的批判性理论和行动网络;大会收到青年学者论文投稿累计600余篇。目前,《网络化的力量——第一届网络社会年会论文集》(ISBN 978-7-5503-1522-8)和《网民21:超越个人账户——第四届网络社会年会论文集》(ISBN 978-7-5503-2525-8)已于2018年和2021年在中国正式出版。

About the Annual Conference of Network Society


The Annual Conference of Network Society is an academic seminar series focusing on the social and spatial consequences of industrialization and informatization in China. In addition to holding symposia and launching open source E-journals, the annual conference of Network Society establishes mesh networks of art-creating and co-working with artists and hackers as well.

In 2016, the “Forces of Reticulation” was held at the China Academy of Art(CAA) as the first annual conference of network society, founded by the Institute of Network Society(INS) at the School of Intermedia art(SIMA). The conference includes 4 symposia and a young scholar forum, along with an outcomes report of the China Art Hackathon #02 “Civicth0n” and a new book launch of “L’art dans: L’anthropocne”(2016) by Bernard Stiegler. Scholars including the founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures, Dutch-Australian media theorist and critic, Geert Lovink’; Professor of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University, Wendy Chun; Professor at the University of Tokyo, Hidetaka Ishida; Senior Researcher at Digital Cultures Research Lab (DCRL), Leuphana University Lueneburg, Martina Leeker;Doctor Hiroki Azuma at the University of Tokyo;Professor of Cultural Studies and Director of the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London,Matthew Fuller, etc. Since then, the following 5 Annual Conferences of Network Society are held annually in Hangzhou and Shanghai.

Another Walk with Lefebvre: Critique of Urbanism and Everyday Life in the Algorithmic Age”(2017) is the second annual conference of network society, in which the INS invited scholars from the U.K., Canada, Italy, France, Australia, Japan as well as China mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to examine Henri Lefebvre’s work on the progress of urbanization and the works done by the algorithm. The presented scholars include Senior lecturer at the Manchester Architecture Research Centre, The University of Manchester, the editor of Lefebvre’s “Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment” (2014), Lukasz Stanek; Research member of the Italian national research program “Governing the smart City”, Simona de Simoni; And professor of philosophy of Nanjing University, Liu Huaiyu.

The third annual conference of network society is “Intelligent Urban Fabric(IUF)”(2018), organized by the Institute of Network Society(INS), the Institute of Cultural Innovation and Visual Communication, and the Institute for Collaborative Innovation in Chinese Visual Studies from China Academy of Art. The academic committees invited scholars and experts on community development including the Chairman of Alibaba Group Technology Committee, founder of Alibaba Cloud, Wang Jian; Research director at Waag, Chris Julien, and core members of Dutch non-profit free software foundry Dyne.org, etc. to see the “Smart City”, the regional development, and the rural electronic market as a whole.

The fourth annual conference of network society “Netizen 21: Beyond Personal Account”(2019) explored the history of the network society in China over the past two decades. Here, “21” refers to both the 21 years since the term “Wang Ming (网民)” (Netizen) was coined, and internet users in the 21st century. This conference had panelists from 8 regions and countries all over the world, including Italian media theorist and activist Franco “Bifo” Berardi; The vice-president of Research at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, Dr. Nishant Shah; And the co-organizer of the “Platform Cooperativism,”, Nathan Schneider.

Organized during the global pandemic, the fifth and sixth annual conferences of network society, “The Web of Phronesis”(2020) and “Instantly Reciprocal: The Moments for Cooperative Life”(2021) paid more attention to the praxis than theoretical research. “The Web of Phronesis” explored technical development and social dilemma that hindered by each other. In addition to 4 academic seminars, INS organized a mesh network workshop with DWebShanghai in CAA. Later, based on the experimental projects in the field of blockchain, metaverse, and community currency that the Institute of Network Society has been working on over the past year, the “Instantly Reciprocal: The Moments for Cooperative Life” organized 3 seminars as well as a live-sound party, a blockchain market, and an exhibition of a represented city on Metaverse platform, Decentraland. During the years 2020 and 2021, the fifth and the sixth conferences of network society had experts and scholars including the founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin; The Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New England, Glen Weyl; The International Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Danny O’Brien; Crypto-anarchists, founders of Cypherpunk Bitstream, Frank Braun and Smuggler; Professor of New Media at the University of Maine, Jon Ippolito; Professor of Fudan Journalism School, Pan Ji; And professor of National University of Singapore, Jack Linchuan Qiu.

During the past 6 years, the Annual Conferences of Network Society have connected 46 worldwide scholars and activists from 41 leading universities and research institutes in 11 countries and four continents (including the University of Manchester (UK), Alibaba Group (China), the Institute of Network Cultures(Netherland)Lüderberg University (Germany), University of Tokyo and Waseda University (Japan), Microsoft Corporation (USA), etc.). The academic committee has received a total of over 600 papers from young scholars. In 2018 and 2021, the “Forces of Reticulation—— Essays of the First Annual Conference of Network Society”(ISBN 978-7-5503-1522-8) and “Netizen 21: Beyond Personal Account—— Essays of the Fourth Annual Conference of Network Society”(ISBN 978-7-5503-2525-8) have been published in China.
