站点图标 网络社会研究所

國際講座#8 :马修·傅勒讲座-黑暗地带与透明层

2016 11 17 (周四)14:00 - 17:00



主办:跨媒体艺术学院 网络社会研究所



We live in an era that relishes its self-awareness, lucidity, openness, the idea of accountability. At the same time, zones, places and systems that are “black boxed” proliferate. Some information activists argue that these are mutually contradictory tendencies and that the one must be fought for over the other against an ever proliferating state or corporate sovereignty. Others pose the question in terms of knowability more generally and ask what kinds of subjectival and aesthetic forms are produced in the grey interplay and overlaps between these tendencies.


“This lecture will propose an approach to such a condition drawing on examples from art, interface design, architecture and film.”

完整介紹參見: http://caa-ins.org/archives/633

