站点图标 网络社会研究所

第三届网络社会年会 | 智慧都市网络(IUF)第一天

如今,智能城市的技術與話語主要掌握在市政府與大學機構手中,作為統合、實驗、測試之需,多半以交通(物流)與防災為主;智能建築則由開發商領軍,是無線控制技術的建案延伸,兩者都是治理思考而非發展計劃,都落入了傳統規劃城市規劃的窠臼,面臨數位縉紳化的疑慮。智能城市只是有限地理的數據治理與應用,我們建議以智慧都市網絡(intelligent urban fabric,urban fabric 取法國哲學家Henri Lefebvre之意)作為問題意識,同時,智慧都市也應當考慮全球運算和新的技術─堆層(stack)所重構的地緣政治關係。


Today, the narrative and technics of smart city are mainly held by city governments and institutes in universities, for the sake of integration, experiment and examination, especially technics of transportation, logistics and disaster prevention. As for smart architecture, being the appliance and extension of remote control, is led by developers. Both smart city and smart architecture fall into the pitfalls of traditional urban planning and confront the problems of digital gentrification. Smart city only refers to governance and appliance of geographical data, therefore, we suggest to replace it with “intelligent urban fabric” (extracted from Henri Lefebvre’s “urban fabric”) as the problematic, thinking the new geopolitics reconstructed by planetary computing and stacks — a new technic.
In this conference, we use “intelligent urban fabric” as method and epistemology to develop smart city. Starting from distributed and decentralized production to the possibility of public participation, we examine the unequal distribution and regional difference caused by urban digital  gentrification. This conference aims to see the potential of new digital technology and not to repeat the mistakes that had been made, finding ways for people to access high technology, avoiding the dislocation of hardware development and the actual need of people living in the city. In conclusion, “intelligent urban fabric” is a strategic proposal for us to think smart city+regional development+rural electronic markets as a whole.
